Boston Red Sox are in hopes for a Successful Season in 2014

It’s Springtime now! This means the birds are chirping, the weather is getting warmer and America’s favorite pastime is back.

The Boston Red Sox after their win in the 2013 season becoming World Champions after defeating the Saint Louis Cardinals in game 6 of the world series, now they are back to have a back defending their title.

Through my Storify, you can see pictures, tweets, videos and links that will let you follow the Sox through spring training to now the regular season games they are playing.

The Sox have had a good run so far with winning a couple of games and taking pride in their city during the one year anniversary of the Boston Marathon shooting and meeting the president at The White House critics and fans are seeing their record through 12 games now below .500 showing some disappointment from the hype they created going into the season less than three weeks ago.

The Places Ive Been and Dreamed Of

Here is a map I created of the place I grew up, the place I love the most and is interesting to me and the place I dream of most. Here you will see three cities I love and want to travel to in the future if I get a chance to.


Hash Tag You’re It

Last Monday I was given an opportunity to join a TweetChat hosted by The Social Media Girl. Going into this chat I knew I had to supply the hashtag #TheSMGirl to all my tweets and I was eager to learn about more social media. A few minutes prior to the chat beginning the host, Cynthia, sent out a tweet letting us know this chat was going to be about hash tags. I was immediately excited.

The experience in this chat was different than what I thought it was going to be like.

Cynthia led the chat off by asking about six questions about what a hash tag was, how it is used, why it is used, and where they are most beneficial along with others.

Through the chat what we have learned in class came into play through making a concise tweet in fewer than 140 characters with the hash tag included and to create conversations about the topic. Interestingly, I learned the most when we’re discussing Facebook’s use of hash tags.

A tweet that stood out to me at this point in the chat was @rossrunslondon’s. He posted how a hashtag is streamlining data so that would not be beneficial when it comes to Facebook due to privacy settings and only your set of friends can see it.

@TashaSCox agreed saying she did not believe this is a natural use of hashtags. I also put in my insight on the matter with them.

This chat was insightful and I benefited from it in numerous ways including I learned how to brand your hashtag and to be constant with it to make it known and to ultimately it needs time to build.

Throughout the chat the two tweets stood out to me mentioned before because they were simple but had strong facts and opinion in them, which I think is good when voicing your opinion especially in a chat with others that differ from it.
My tweets from the chat included:

Racing into the Olympics with Social Media

When reading through different blogs to see what interested in me I stumbled upon a post that attracted me just by the headline that was “How will the Olympics and Social Media get along this year?” on a blog named Jenn’s Trends.

As I began to read my knowledge and recollection of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games came back to my memory.

Jenn discussed in her post some of the occurrences that went wrong between the media and the events two years ago in London. Some of them were:

  • Live tweeting events
  • Some results were posted before the events were even aired.
  • Did not have set guidelines what could or could not be posted to the public.

The Summer 2012 London Olympic games was the first time social media had a strong presence and was noticed due to the rise of sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in the last three years or so prior. This took me back to that summer before college to remember how going on Twitter you always had some sort of update on the games whether it was NBC tweeting or a famous athlete that had quite a following like Michael Phelps giving his followers and fans updates with the use of pictures on how everything was going.

Opening Ceremony at the Olympic Games 2014Jenn’s post went on to discuss the new restrictions for this year like the use of no video clips being released other than by NBC during this year’s games including athletes and how she was looking forward to how social media will be play a presence this year. This got me thinking, being a sports fan and a dedicated watcher of the Olympics for as long as I can remember since I was a young girl, on how social media is affecting everyone and everything now.

As social media now develops and increases I believe to think that there will be very little that can be done about what people share. Through social media we can see things that necessarily we could not see four or so years ago. I think social media now and can eventually help us follow an Olympian’s journey throughout the games and will give us a perspective that we do not get as a watcher through the television screen almost like a behind the scenes look at it.

Photo Credit: Atos International via Compfight cc

Seton Hall Shares on Social Media

Our Tweets

Here are the tweets we sent out through the past days or so in order of the topics listed.

The Top 5 Tweets from other schools

Here are the top five tweets in our opinion that were the best from the other schools taking part in the social media challenges this past week or so.

Responses made to other schools and students

These are the responses made to other students at schools about their tweets and pictures posted.


It was great engaging with other school’s students and getting to see other students’ takes on the topics and places within their school that makes it unique and different. This scavenger hunt really united students like us from all over the country, sharing their experiences with their own colleges. It was great to get an insight to the daily ways of life at other schools.

After putting in the picture and hashtags you had very few characters to make your point clear and what the point of the tweet was in the first place. Because of this, it was hard to write substantial tweets, which also made it harder to reply to tweets that didn’t say much. Also, not all participating schools used a hashtag to differentiate their school, so you didn’t know what school’s tweet you were reading. The use of Instagram pictures in some of the tweets made it a hassle to have to open a new tab to view the picture.

Community building around Social Media

Everyone can remember the day Osama Bin Laden was found and the day of his death in 2011. Everyone remembers the devastation he caused on many groups of people during his lifetime. This event was enormous on social media sites through the video of his death and the series of tweets being sent out on what was happening in the world that day. Even his son was on twitter expressing how he felt about his father’s death.

Events like this have expressed and shown to the public what level we are on with the use of social networking. This event was a prime example on showing how social media has a bright future for journalism and news in general through some of the readings assigned this prior week. One was The Economist,  it used the before mentioned event in their article as they discussed how not everyone is a journalist but the public is involved and commenting on the news today more than ever before. They tell us how we should be more optimistic when letting social media help us gain more knowledge and opinions on a certain event. Through this as a student and future career women I can see how social media can benefit me and help me form opinions on situations and events.

Unlike The Economist The Daily Me,  an article published by The New York Times, starts out by informing us on how yet another print newspaper The Seattle Post – Intelligencer has shifted from not printing at all anymore to only online web content because of the new age with computers and social networking sites becoming so prominent. This article goes on to inform us how the decline of traditional news media is getting juristic as bloggers and mainstream writers are getting media attention and making self-authored news newsworthy. As a reader I can see the argument being made however I also see the side on which  this is a sufficient and good thing for today’s world with how technology is continuously improving and changing and how the fact of the matter is  print papers will not exist soon in the world around us.

With the future bright and ahead of us Scott in Chapter 10 of The New Rules of Marketing and PR paints us a picture on just how social networking is bringing this community together through a world record of skydiving and traveling faster than the speed of sound. Through his reading my opinion and analyses was made clear to me how social media can have negatives on journalists however it is helping us learn where to improve and help us form more ideas and opinions that we would not necessarily would have had already.

Public Relations Student's thoughts about the revolution of social media

Social Media in Journalism and Public Relations

COJR 3002 at Seton Hall University

Social Media in Journalism and PR

Ryan Bonner's thoughts about social media

Social Media Insights

Public Relations Student's thoughts about the revolution of social media

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.